The Goddess is calling you to open up and reconnect with the universe in all her forms. The Feminine aspect of the universe is rising to restore balance in the world. Will you answer the call and receive her guidance? Who could we become if we knew how to reclaim our true power?
Elen of the Ways calls you to your path… Artemis offers to guide your arrow… Cerridwyn urges you to trust in the unlimited potential of your life…
You may choose from the following card spreads when ordering:
Daily Goddess Connection: I will draw a single card which will connect you to one particular goddess for a 24-hour period. She will be your guide for the day, leading you into an empowered state of awareness, accountability, and inspiration.
Goddess Power Council Spread: This three card spread shows the evolution of potential in any situation you are asking about.
Four Jewels of the Goddess Spread: This four card spread shows the evolution of a situation, each goddess representing a stage in the awareness and manifestation of what you're asking about.
Special Guidance Spread from the Goddess Mnemosysne: This four card spread is helpful if you need clarity about how a situation is still influenced by the past and how to move beyond it.
Full Moon Illuminating Spread: This four card reading can be done on the actual full moon, or anytime you want to invoke the energies of its illuminating qualities to help you better understand your life and take inspired action on your creations.
New Moon Intention Activation Spread: This six card reading can be done as part of a ritual on the new moon, or anytime you want to invoke the magic of manifesting, so you can focus your energies and plant the seeds of your most cherished desires.
I use smoke to cleanse myself and my space before each reading.
I will use my intuition to guide me in drawing cards for you.
You will receive a PDF file of your intuitive reading with images of your cards.
18+ Only. Children are not allowed.
Please do not ask medical, pregnancy, legal, or financial questions, or questions regarding games of chance. Tarot and oracle card readings are not a substitute for financial, legal, medical, or mental health advice. Please consulted a licensed professional in your area for professional advice. For entertainment purposes only.
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