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I aim to do single card Timing and Yes/No Questions the same day, or the next day if I receive it after 7:00pm CST.


Sometimes, you need a simple and to-the-point answer to your questions, such as “is it ‘yes’ or ‘no’?” and “When will I get that job, meet my soul mate, move to a better location, and so on?” The Angel Answers Oracle card deck offers you trustworthy guidance when a short-but-sweet response is required.


There are three categories of cards in this deck which correspond to different types of questions.

If the question is a timing question like, "When will this happen?" then I will be using the Timing Cards.

If you're looking for a straightforward yes or no answer to a question such as "Should I do this?" then I will choose the Yes/No cards.

If you have a general question like "What do the angels want me to know right now?" then I will be drawing from the Angel Messages cards.




I use smoke to cleanse myself and my space before each reading.



I will use my intuition to guide me in drawing cards for you.



You will receive a PDF file of your intuitive reading with images of your card.




18+ Only. Children are not allowed.




Please do not ask medical, pregnancy, legal, or financial questions, or questions regarding games of chance. Tarot and oracle card readings are not a substitute for financial, legal, medical, or mental health advice. Please consulted a licensed professional in your area for professional advice. For entertainment purposes only.

Angel Answers Oracle Reading (PDF)

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